This is the Year of Jubilee! (Hymn - Singing)

One of the best new songs describing the life of a Nazarite was composed in 2019 by Melody of Lilies with the title, This is the year of Jubilee. As we sing this song, we can open to the Lord and invite Him in, even allow Him to bring us into the jubilee in our experience day by day. Hallelujah, this is the year of Jubilee, and the Nazarites live in the Jubilee!

PS. At the end of this article see the last video – the process of composing this hymn. You can find the full lyrics via and

Keep reading to the end to enjoy some quotes on the year of Jubilee from the ministry and further reading from similar articles online on this topic.

Lord, bring us into the jubilee in all our daily living, and make us those who enjoy the jubilee in our daily life to live as Your Nazarites!

This Is the Year of Jubilee – new song

1. The Lord has given freedom
To all who just believe Him.
Be no longer enslaved.
Come now! Return to Jesus.
Receive the Life that frees us!
Call on Him and be saved.

This is the year of jubilee!
Proclaim our liberty in Him!
Throughout the land we sound out:
The slaves have been returned to Him,
Released from toil, anxiety, and sin!
This is the year of jubilee!

2. Reclaim the land, our portion,
God as our rich possession.
Feast on Him ev’ry day!
Enjoy Him with God’s fam’ly;
Find satisfaction and peace.
Here forever to stay!

Watch and Listen to this song via, This Is the Year of Jubilee (official lyric video)

This is the year of jubilee – the NYC YPCD version

New Song Hymn #720 – This Is the Year of Jubilee via, The Church Life – Hymns

Singing at NACT 2019 – This Is The Year of Jubilee

♪【This Is the Year of Jubilee】iHymns – via Goshen Prayer

This Is the Year of Jubilee at the 2019 North America College Training – the process of composing this hymn

This is the year of Jubilee – Quotes from the Ministry

Therefore, in the year of jubilee there are two main blessings: the returning of every man to his lost possession and the liberation from slavery. If we want to be truly free and able to enjoy God as our possession, we must receive the Lord Jesus as the real jubilee in us. If we have Him, our possession is recovered, and our freedom is returned to us. The Lord Jesus has released us so that we may have God as our possession and be delivered from the bondage of sin and Satan in order that we may have real freedom. Every one of us who has experienced the grace of the Lord can testify that before we were saved, we had no freedom and no control over ourselves. Now that we have been saved, the Lord has released us from within so that we are no longer slaves. Not only so, we have been brought back to God as our possession. The Lord Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” We are no longer those who toil and are burdened; we are those who have freedom and enjoy rest. Furthermore, we are no longer poor; instead, we have God as our inheritance (Acts 26:18; Eph. 1:14; Col. 1:12). This is the meaning of the year of jubilee.

The year of jubilee is Christ; therefore, the year of jubilee is the year of grace, because grace is God Himself in Christ to be our enjoyment. When we hear the gospel, we hear the jubilee. Once we repent and believe into the Lord, jubilee enters into us. From then on, at any time and in any matter, in dealing with anyone or anything, if we live by Christ, Christ is our jubilee. Sometimes we may have the painful experience of putting Christ aside and thus losing God temporarily. Once we have lost God, we have sold ourselves and become slaves again. However, once we begin anew to enjoy the Lord Jesus, we have God and we enjoy freedom. At this time, within us everything is to our heart’s satisfaction, and the jubilee is in us. We are happy and rejoicing, we prosper, and we live long. This is the meaning of the jubilee. Witness Lee, The Jubilee, ch. 1

In conclusion, the year of jubilee is for us to be returned to God as our possession and as our enjoyment so that we may become free and be released from all oppression. Thus, we are returned to God from the authority of Satan and are freed from the slavery of sin. Hence, it is useless to struggle and strive. The only effective way for us is to believe the gospel and enjoy God. Some may say, “I will go home and make up my mind not to be angry or lose my temper again,” but whereas one can make up his mind to do good, he does not have the power to perform the good. Making up our mind will not work; we must enjoy the Lord. We must learn to contact this true and living Lord to enjoy Him. In this way He becomes our release within us and our freedom. As a result, we have not only our possession but also our freedom.Witness Lee, The Jubilee, ch. 2

The Lord came that He might save us and dispense Himself into us. If our heart is set on anything other than the Lord, that thing, whether good or bad, becomes a suffering to us. If our heart is set on our children, husband, or wife, the result is a suffering. If our heart is set on our education, business, house, or land, the outcome is misery. If our heart is set on any person, thing, or matter other than the Lord, the end is wretchedness. The unbelievers do not have the Lord; they have not received the Lord as their salvation. Hence, they can only set their heart on persons, things, and matters. However, since we have been saved and have the Lord as our center, we should set our heart on Him. When the Lord comes, He is our salvation to deliver us from sufferings. All sufferings come from the persons, things, and matters outside of the Lord. To those who are without the Lord, everything is a suffering. Whether bad things or good things, whether poverty or riches, whether being educated or uneducated, all are sufferings. However, when we have the Lord, He saves us from all these sufferings. If we take the Lord as our center, we can enjoy Him as our life of jubilee.

The living of the jubilee is a living in the enjoyment of Christ. The Lord is sovereign in everything. Everything we have is in the Lord’s sovereign hand, and whatever He arranges for us cannot be wrong. In my life of following the Lord for sixty years, I can truly testify that where we go or where we stay is entirely not in our hands but in His hands. We may think that we are what we are today because of our endeavoring and struggling, but we must realize that without the Lord’s sovereign arrangement, no matter how much we struggled and endeavored, we could not be what we are. Everything is under His sovereignty. Therefore, we should empty ourselves of everything and tell the Lord, “Fill me, gain me, and possess me. Lord, no matter what the outward situation is, I just want to enjoy You. If I am healthy, I thank You. If I am not healthy, I also thank You. If I have children, I thank You, and if I am childless, I also thank You.” In this way poverty or wealth and peace or danger are all the same to us. That is why Paul said that “as always, even now Christ will be magnified in my body, whether through life or through death” (Phil. 1:20b). To us, to live is Christ, and whether we live or die, He is magnified in us all the time. In this way we enjoy God and live the life of the jubilee. May the Lord have mercy upon us that we all may see this and learn to enjoy the Lord to such an extent. Witness Lee, The Jubilee, ch. 4

Further reading on the Jubilee – Similar sharing online

What is the Jubilee? The year of jubilee is the year of grace. Isaiah 61:2 calls the year of jubilee “the acceptable year of Jehovah.” This can also be translated, “the year of Jehovah’s grace.” This verse is included in the Scripture which the Lord Jesus read in Luke 4:17-19, where the above phrase reads, “the acceptable year of the Lord, the year of jubilee.” In Isaiah it is the year of grace, whereas in the New Testament it is the year of jubilee. Therefore, the year of jubilee is the year of grace. More via, Radio Newsletters.

In the age of the jubilee we are in the age of ecstasy – we are besides ourselves enjoying the Lord! Lord, thank You for proclaiming the jubilee! We are now in the age of grace, the age of the jubilee! Keep us enjoying You more and more each day! We want to be Christians up to the standard – those who are filled with the enjoyment of God! More via,

Proclaim the Year of Jubilee! This is the year of jubilee! That’s the good news Jesus proclaimed. What good news! In the jubilee we are returned to our inheritance without paying anything for it! Christ already paid our due. He simply says, “Come to Me. Come and enjoy Me!” More via, Holding to Truth in Love.

Salvation, service, and the enjoyment of the jubilee. The jubilee proclaimed by the Lord Jesus in chapter four of Luke is of three stages: first, the stage of grace in this age; second, the stage of the kingdom in the coming age; and third, the stage of the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth for eternity. These are the three stages of the enjoyment of the jubilee. The jubilee in this age is a foretaste. The jubilee in the coming age will be fuller than today’s jubilee. Ultimately, in the New Jerusalem we shall enjoy the jubilee to the fullest extent for eternity. There all believers will enjoy Christ as the jubilee. For eternity there will be a testimony that the Lord Jesus is our jubilee, that He has set us free from bondage and has brought us into the full enjoyment of the processed Triune God. More via, Life-Study of Luke, Chapter 44.

The Living of the Jubilee is a Living in the Enjoyment of Christ full of Rejoicing. When we enjoy the Lord, we have the living of the jubilee, and we will be freed from anything that would torment or enslave us, for we enjoy Christ as our inheritance. May we all tell the Lord, Lord Jesus, empty us of anything of ourselves and fill us, gain us, and possess us fully! Oh Lord, no matter what the outward situation is, we just want to enjoy You! More via,

2019 North America College Training – The Jubilee. Thank the Lord for this last college training! There were five locations in which the morning messages for the North America College Training were given: ARC, Foellinger Auditorium, Lincoln Hall, SDRP, and the State Farm Center. For the evening sessions, everyone was gathered together at the State Farm Center to hear the evening messages. You can access and download the messages for each venue below. Also included is a Spanish speaking translation of the messages. More via,

Songs and Hymns on, This is the Year of Jubilee, via, NYCYPCD on youtube.