Spend Time with the Lord to be One with Him and Live to Him

If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you. John 15:7

To be one with the Lord and to live to live to the Lord, we need to be one with Him.

This means that we are under the Lord’s direction and control and that we desire to fulfil his requirements, satisfy his desire and complete what he intends.

Living to Christ requires that we live by our inward man, by our regenerated Spirit.

When we live by our inward man, we abide in the Lord.

John 15:7 says, If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you will and it shall be done for you.

Not only should we abide in the Lord, but He and His words should abide in us.

By this mutual abiding and coming to his word, we will touch the Lord’s feelings and know his intention.

We will know His desire and it will become our desire. During the training, I learned how to spend time with the Lord by pray-reading the Word.

Every time my mind was wandering and I couldn’t get out of myself and turn to the spirit, I would pray-read the Bible through this kind of prayer I led the word of God in and many times I had a feeling that it is the Lord’s rhema word to me.

I could feel the Lord’s feelings, know his intention, and pray not according to my heart but according to His heart.

The Lord answers this kind of prayer as it issues from our abiding in him and from his words abiding in us.

During the past two years, I’ve been learning to open my heart to the Lord through genuine prayer.

We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19Though I’d come to the Lord with my burdens, my weaknesses and my offenses, the Lord’s constraining love would compel me to let go of all my struggles and shortcomings and instead lead me to spend time to enjoy and absorb His riches.

Actually, to open, contact and enjoy Him are all matters of faith and love. When we exercise our spirit, we are infused with faith, but at the same time we find ourselves loving Him with our whole heart.

So first John 4:19 explains that we love because He first loved us. So when we exercise our spirit and open our heart to the Lord, we sense how lovely and precious this living One is.

As we open to Him and abide with Him as a branch in the vine, our heart becomes one with His and we are led to pray genuinely for what is on His heart.

This kind of prayer is a mutual two way flow between God and us. This flow is our contact with God where we absorb Him in our time with Him. Amen!

What the Lord wants through our prayer is not that we would be holy or victorious, but that we would be one with the indwelling Christ, live to Him and express His highest desire.

In this way we we express Him and we express His aim and we express His goal. We have to realize that our abiding in the Lord is not exclusively for our own enjoyment and benefit.

There is a deeper pleasure yet to be seen and experienced with our abiding.

This is a sharing from the recent FTTL Graduation by one of the graduating trainees. Praise the Lord for such a sweet and encouraging testimony! See all the testimonies from the 2024 fall FTTL graduation here.

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