Overcoming by Eating Jesus and having Companions (2025 Spring Uni Conference)

And He died for all that those who live may no longer live to themselves but to Him who died for them and has been raised. 2 Cor. 5:15

Praise the Lord for the conference this past weekend. The general topic was about Daniel and his companions in Babylon – choosing to overcome.

We got to see how their story relates to the current situation of the world today and what the Lord is after in these times.

To put it short, the Lord is looking for overcomers to represent Him. We also saw how Daniel and his companions withstood the evil forces in Babylon, which can be applied to us in the environment we are in today.

Daniel and his companions were those who absolutely consecrated themselves to God and were separated unto God from an age that follows Satan. As a result, their diet was different to the rest of the Babylonians’ diet. They ate vegetables for 3 years, which represents eating the tree of life.

As they ate this diet, they were also being constituted of what they were eating, which is Christ.

Therefore, you could visibly see their faces shining as Christ was being expressed through them.

Likewise for us, the more we eat and drink Christ, the more we will experience an inward transformation and an outward expression of Christ.

However, this is a choice that has to be made and in a world where there are many other pleasures to eat from, we cannot do it by ourselves, we need companions.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 – Two are better than one for they have a good reward for their labour; for if they fall, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls and does not have another to lift him up.

We all need companions to lift each other up. It is very easy today to be captured by the enemy and blinded to the truth.

The enemy has many tactics, such as our phones, religion, and entertainment, which all lead us away from the Lord.

For us to overcome this, we need companions just as Daniel had companions.

The evil forces in the world are very strong, and we stand no chance to overcome them by ourselves, but if we have companions to lift each other up we would surely experience Christ on a much deeper level.

I was also encouraged that spiritual warfare is fought from the victory of Christ.

Two are better than one for they have a good reward for their labour; for if they fall, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls and does not have another to lift him up. Eccl. 4:9-10 We do not have to defeat sin or Satan, as it has already been defeated by Christ. What we need to do is submit ourselves fully to the will of God and allow Him to use us as His age-turners.

However, despite the fact that the enemy has been defeated, we will still struggle to experience Christ due to the fact that Satan has blinded us from the will of God.

Therefore, instead of doing the Lord’s will, we do things according to ourselves.

This has led to many divisions and differences among people, in all kinds of aspects. Due to this, if we do not give ourselves to the Lord, we may actually stop Him from doing what he wants to do. To prevent this from happening we have to look at ourselves.

I enjoyed an illustration shared about a dam that held 4.2 billion gallons of water, where the water signified Christ as the living stream and we are the dam preventing this stream from flowing in.

It is easy to mistake the dam for some other things such as sin, our friends/family or our environment, but actually, it is ourselves.

The more we choose to give ourselves to the Lord, the more He will flow within us and nothing else can stop it.

To give ourselves to the Lord requires us to pay a price. One very practical way to pay the price is to redeem the time.

For many, including myself, this is a struggle, as time is something very important to people. As some people like to say, ‘time is money’, or they believe that their time has to be used to constantly improve themselves.

But actually, the best way to spend our time is to give our time to the Lord. This is how we can overcome our flesh. But we still have to commit to worldly things such as our jobs, studies, or our family.

That is why the overcoming life is accomplished day by day, we cannot just overcome for a day and expect good.

We must daily overcome the enemy in all of our situations.

Eventually, from all of our time spent with the Lord overcoming the enemy, we will unconsciously live out Christ no matter where we are.

This is a sharing by brother A. B. (Norwich, England) from his top enjoyment at the 2025 Spring University Conference in the Netherlands. If you were there and want to share something from what you enjoyed, email us at enjoyingthelord@gmail.com.

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