Christ died for the Church, His Joy; we want to Live for the Church!

These things I have spoken to you that My joy may be in you and [that] your joy may be made full. John 15:11

Praise the Lord for the uni conference! It was so great to see all the students again. Within me, I was filled with joy as I blended with all the brothers and sisters.

It was so encouraging to see saints come from outside the UK as well. The Lord is moving and recovering the truths today!

The topic was “The two joys” and the key verse is John 15:11,

These things I have spoken to you that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full.

I was really touched by this point in the first message.

Christ loves the church because the church is the unique means for Him to accomplish His purpose and fulfill His heart’s desire; He loved the church to the extent that He gave Himself up for the church.

Thank the Lord for giving Himself up for us. It was for us that He willingly died.

The church was always on the Lord’s heart. This is the Lord’s joy.

He didn’t desire that we would be good or do many things. The Lord just wanted His bride, the church.

We, today, have to consider what are we living for? What is our joy today? Actually, whatever we enjoy in this world is just temporary and vanity.

There is no true joy other than the Lord Himself and we can partake of this by living for the church.

We should live for the church. This is what the Lord desires and should be our desire day by day.

Do we have an anxious concern for the church? How much do we love the church? Why are you saved?

Well, the Lord, He gave all that He had. He even gave Himself up for the church.

In the Lord’s eyes, everything is for the Church. Lord, we want to live for the church! I am for the church!

Sharing by Pak L. from his top enjoyment in the recent 2024 Autumn University Conference in the UK. If you were at this conference and you want to share your enjoyment, email us or place a comment below.

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